Inicio » Nursing

Kidney disease affects various areas of the patient’s life, their family and loved ones. For this reason, ALCER Castalia offers a multidisciplinary service to cover all needs and treat the patient holistically. The multidisciplinary team is made up of various professionals and among them is the Nursing Service.

The Nursing Service aims to improve the quality of life of kidney and transplant patients.

Within the functions of this department, we find direct care and support for patients undergoing home hemodialysis treatment. This project is carried out in collaboration with the Nephrology Service of the General University Hospital of Castellón. 


Given the increase in the number of kidney patients, the Home Hemodialysis program considers it necessary to appoint a health professional to provide support and direct care to these patients. In this way, it is possible to improve adaptability to treatment and improve the quality of life of patients. This is achieved with periodic visits to homes.

Other functions offered by the Nursing Service is patient education.

Among the various doubts that may arise in hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis treatment, complications arise with access to perform these treatments. The main care that must be taken is summarized below:


Nuria Nebot

ALCER Castalia Nursing


Fistula care
Catheter care
Peritoneal catheter care

Annual Consultations


P. assisted at the headquarters


Highs in home HD



If you want to have a nursing consultation in person/telematically with the nurse, you can ask through these means:

Advice is also offered regarding kidney transplantation. Doubts, adherence to treatment, care and precautions.

Another way of living the disease

Themes by GPLPUB

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