Inicio » Chiropody

The foot is one of the parts of the body that we take care of the least and that suffers the most; It supports our weight, we walk, we dance, we play sports and we only remember it when it hurts.

The feet are a complex structure with 26 bones, 107 ligaments, 33 joints and 20 muscles.

The health professional specializing in the treatment and care of the foot is the Podiatrist; has the knowledge, skills and abilities to carry out activities aimed at the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of foot conditions and deformities, through podiatric procedures.



You will be helped to solve podiatric problems derived from your chronic kidney disease and associated pathologies such as dry feet, cracks, diabetic feet, bent nails (clumping), etc.



Guillermo Domingo, podiatrist


How can our podiatrist help us?
  • Diabetic foot. Specialized in the foot of people with diabetes who also have CKD.
  • Geriatric podiatry. Specialized in the foot of the elderly with CKD.
  • Dermopodology. Treatment of ingrown toenail, onychomycosis, plantar warts “papillomas”, dermal lesions
  • Chiropodia. Nail cutting and milling, removal of helomas and hyperkeratosis and polishing and hydration of the foot and heels.
  • Biomechanics of gait. Study of normal and pathological gait; dynamic and static distribution of the pressures received by the foot, and how this affects the rest of the body.
  • Pharmacology. drug pre-registration.
  • Orthopodology. Silicone orthoses, plantar supports, night and day splints, nail correction.
  • Podiatric surgery. All surgical techniques below the ankle.
  • Pediatric podiatry in CKD. Specialized in children’s feet and their most common and disease-specific conditions.
  • Sports podiatry. Specialized in the athlete’s gesture and his most common conditions.
How to keep your feet healthy
  1. Examine your feet, even if they don’t hurt.
  2. Wash your feet daily and dry them well, especially between the toes.
  3. Cut your toenails straight, but not too short, and watch for any alterations such as thickening, color change, as they can hide different diseases.
  4. Choosing the right footwear is very important. Buy them at the end of the day when your feet are most dilated. It must protect the foot, adjust to it without oppressing it and be made of natural materials. The heel should not exceed 4/5 centimeters and the toe will be wide enough.
  5. Select the type of footwear based on the activity you are going to do (walking, working, sports…)
  6. Use more than one pair of shoes and alternate their use. Discard them if they are worn or deformed.
  7. Be careful with home remedies, self-treatment can lead to not only not eliminating pain but also causing others.
  8. Control cracks and wounds in the skin, they can announce pathologies.
  9. Foot pain is not normal. If this occurs and persists, consult your podiatrist.

People Served


People Served at home.


Ailments treated

If you want to have a consultation with the sexologist, you can ask through these means:

  • Telephone: 964 22 83 63 extension 4
  • Email:
  • In person: C/ Enmedio, 22 4º A in Castelló (in this case, please make an appointment through the previous methods)

Another way of living the disease

Themes by GPLPUB

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