ALCER Castalia began its journey in 1981, arising from the urgent need for people with kidney disease on dialysis to continue living, since there were not enough machines to care for them. everybody. This maxim, fortunately, has been a reality for years, but there is still much to achieve in the field of a dignified life and a good quality of life for kidney people.
Our association has been growing since its beginnings in every sense: both in the services we offer (which are covered by a current staff of 13 professionals with extensive experience and social skills), in the wide range of activities that we carry out, as in demands to build a more just and adapted society; all in view of the needs of our kidney group, listening to them day by day and understanding the problems of each particular case.
We have adapted to the new circumstances and demands of society, growing with our associates, using all the means at our disposal trying to reach different age ranges, since there are more and more young people with kidney disease chronicle.
Currently we are in a good moment, we serve more than 1500 people through a very complete multidisciplinary team (nutritionists, social workers, psychologists, patient mentor, nurse, physiotherapist, lawyer, sexologist, administrative, transport managers and manager), supported by an extensive portfolio of volunteers and with magnificent relationships with health professionals.
However, we must not let our guard down, we must continue fighting for our objectives aimed at improving the conditions of our kidney group in the province of Castellón.
With your help everything is easier, we hope to continue counting on you.
President ALCER Castalia
Juan Doménech Galarza
Where are we?
ALCER Castalia has its headquarters in a central office building, on Enmedio Street, 22 in the city of Castelló de la Plana.
Due to the expansion of services, we are distributed in three offices, from where, in addition to management and coordination, we carry out part of the care, as well as various activities.
Currently, the distribution of the three offices is as follows:
- ALCER 4A Offices - A main office, where management and administration, social care, nutritional care and coordination of activities are located.
- Offices Transport: 4F - An office with two offices: transportation management and psychological care.
- Room multifunctional 2nd E - An office with a large room for holding meetings and activities (workshops, talks...), a warehouse and an office for service.