Become a donor
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Organ donation saves many lives every year.
More than 8,000 patients recover their health every year in Spain thanks to transplant treatments. However, the reality is that the waiting lists to receive organs and tissues will continue to grow if the number of donations is not increased. The only way to solve this problem is to be an organ donor and encourage others we know to be organ donors as well: the more donors there are, the greater the number of lives that can be saved.

Although the most important thing is that the family members know the wishes of the deceased, there is a donor card, a document that is requested and formalized while alive and in which the wish to proceed with the donation of organs and tissues is declared. after death.

What is the donor card and what is it for?
The donor card is a document that testifies to our desire to be an organ donor after death. However, the card has no legal value. It is necessary to communicate to our relatives the desire to be donors, so that they authorize the extraction of organs after death.

What types of cards are there?
There are several models of donor cards issued by different organizations or associations of patients such as ALCER CASTALIA. All of them have the same testimonial value, of expressing our desire to be organ donors at the time of death.

How to request the donor card?
Fill out the form below with your personal information and we will send the completed card to your home by regular mail.

What do I do if I change my mind once the card is issued?
If you do not want to be an organ donor, tear up your card, if you have one, and tell your family and friends so they can that when the time comes they can transmit their will. Since the data used to issue the donor card is not stored in any donor registry, but is used solely for administrative purposes, it is not necessary to unsubscribe or inform any official body that you have changed your mind.

The donor card can also be obtained at public institutions such as Health Departments, Hospital Transplant Coordinations, User Information Service of hospitals and Health Centers or at the National Transplant Organization.

The data we need you to send us is:

Required name field

Mandatory date field

Mandatory NIF field

Empty email field or incorrect email format

Empty phone field or incorrect phone

Mandatory address field

Required zip code field

Mandatory population field

score >= 0.7){ // Añade aquí el código que desees en el caso de que la validación sea correcta }else{ // Añade aquí el código que desees en el caso de que la validación no sea correcta }

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