There are many reasons why a person with a chronic illness is reluctant to perform physical activity, among them we can name:
- In hemodialysis, the feeling of fatigue occurs in up to 97% of patients, deeply affecting vitality and personal relationships.
- There is a fear of getting hurt.
- There is a loss of muscle mass both due to age and the disease itself.
- On dialysis the prevalence of depression and anxiety is 22 and 42%, therefore, emotionally we are not receptive to physical activity.
- People with chronic kidney disease have a 2-3 times greater sensation of pain, almost always some bone, some area, some muscle hurts us…
- The greater the pain, the greater the resistance to practicing any type of physical activity and, therefore, the greater the risk of obesity, which will also make mobility difficult. Pain will also cause us insomnia, anxiety and depression, which means we go back to the beginning.
It must be emphasized that physical activity has many benefits for people living with this chronic disease. Let’s look at 10 of them:
- Reduction in blood pressure and blood glucose levels.
- Emotionally improves the person’s attitude towards life.
- Increases survival rate.
- It increases bone and muscle mass and flexibility, therefore, the person improves in the development of the basic activities of their daily life.
- Improvement of the transplanted organ, or no worsening.
- Reduces the risk of suffering from cardiovascular and/or respiratory disease.
- Increase in natural analgesics after physical activity causing a greater feeling of well-being, greater appetite and will reduce the sensation of pain.
- Improves aerobic capacity. We will get less tired when walking or doing activities with certain physical demands.
- Prevents obesity, therefore, reducing the risk of falling.
- Improvement of the immune system.
In our Service we know all these difficulties and benefits, and we work daily to break these barriers, to listen, understand and empathize. Because body and mind are united, because they are the same thread.
Borja Colina
People served in centers
People assisted in consultation
Tractated malalties
Activities carried out
If you want to have a consultation with the physiotherapist, you can ask through these means:
- Phone: 964 22 83 63 extension 4
- Email:
- In person: C/ Enmedio, 22 4º A in Castelló (in this case, please make an appointment through the previous methods)
In addition, we carry out some of the activities scheduled for the group at Clínica Colinas.
Where are we?
ALCER Castalia has its headquarters in a central office building, on Enmedio Street, 22 in the city of Castelló de la Plana.
Due to the expansion of services, we are distributed in three offices, from where, in addition to management and coordination, we carry out part of the care, as well as various activities.
Currently, the distribution of the three offices is as follows:
- ALCER 4A Offices - A main office, where management and administration, social care, nutritional care and coordination of activities are located.
- Offices Transport: 4F - An office with two offices: transportation management and psychological care.
- Room multifunctional 2nd E - An office with a large room for holding meetings and activities (workshops, talks...), a warehouse and an office for service.