Legal advice
Inicio » Legal advice

At ALCER Castalia we have an external legal advisory service, made up of a team of lawyers specialized in different branches of law: civil, labor, immigration, procedural, criminal, etc., with the that we cover the advice of all associated people who need and require it.

It is our social workers who receive the cases, study them and refer them to the corresponding lawyers so that they can contact our partners and explain how to proceed, helping them carry out certain procedures and guiding them to be able to continue with the process.


With this legal service our kidney group is covered in situations that are unfamiliar to us or that are beyond our knowledge.
The main cases, among many others, are: disabilities, labor problems with entities when a person is detected with kidney disease, divorces, housing rentals, legalization of documents, etc.

ALCER Castalia offers information and advice related to the application of regulations, laws and regulations on legal matters. To do this, we have the close collaboration of our lawyer specialized in the civil branch who coordinates a team that covers all legal branches.



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Ref. specialized advisory service


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If you want to have a consultation in person/telematically with our headquarters you can ask through these means:

Another way of living the disease

Themes by GPLPUB

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