Inicio » LaborAlcer

At ALCER Castalia we believe that work dignifies and helps people, whether they have disabilities or not, to feel fulfilled and useful. For this reason, we focus on projects that help our kidney group in its different phases (ACKD, dialysis and transplant) to continue with their working life, resume it or start it, giving them all the necessary tools to do so.

An important part of this search is to train them, advise them and give them current job offers that they can cover taking into account their disability condition.  As well as contacting different companies that need personnel with a specific profile.

ALCER Castalia periodically launches training actions, which aim to provide employed or unemployed people with occupational skills that allow them to keep up with the labor market.

Some of the courses that have been taken are:

  • Home economics workshop
  • Pre-employment skills workshop

Employment Resources


Annual Consultations


P. subscribed to SILF channel


RRSS Publications


Workshops / Talks

If you want to have a consultation in person/telematically with our headquarters you can ask through these means:

Another way of living the disease

Themes by GPLPUB